Central European Researchers'
The Central European Association for Comparative Law considers one of its important tasks to be the provision of academic organisation services to the international legal community. In this spirit, the association has launched the Central European Researchers' Newsletter, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides up-to-date conference calls, doctoral theses, habilitations, book launches, and personal news, targeting the widest possible Central European legal community.
The operational mechanism of the Newsletter is that each partner, a person designated by the respective institute or association, sends events or news from his/her institute to the Newsletter's editorial board in order to promote it to potential interested parties.
Submission policy
1. Rules governing the operation of the Newsletter
The CER'Newsletter is open access, which means that all content is freely available to the user, the author or his/her institution. Users may subscribe to the Newsletter the get monthly updates. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search the full text of articles via a link.
2. Archiving policy
Content published on the CER'Newsletter will be archived on the website of the Newsletter and transferred to the Scientific Open Access Repository (REAL) for long-term archiving.
3. Format and content requirements for authors
The editorial board is looking for relevant and important topics and news for the national legal communities of the Central European region, which promote cooperation between these national scientific communities. In this context, both public and private law topics, as well as international and EU law, national law and national jurisprudence, could be the subject of a CER'Newsletter news.
The news should normally have a short, suggestive title. The recommended length of the news is 300 characters including spaces, the maximum length should not exceed 400 characters including spaces. A link to the website, where the full document is available, is required. Please, name a category, in which the news can be categorized.
The categories of news appropriate for the newsletters are the following:
Journal articles, working papers, blog posts;
Call for papers;
Conferences, workshops, book launches, presentations;
Doctoral debates, habilitation procedures;
Further news.
The events could be either organised in the future or recently held. It is important, however, that (a) the publications, (b) the events and (c) the websites providing detailed information about the event shall be in English, French or German as the original language. The official language of the Newsletter is English so the data shall be provided in English.
News may be submitted in Word format.
For publication, the name of the sending organisation is required. The content of the newsletter is compiled by the editorial board, which reserves the right to select the news to be included, furthermore, to refuse to publish the news without giving any specific reason.
News should be sent directly to Flóra Orosz, newsletter editor, at moje.hacl@gmail.com.
The Newsletter is published monthly. The specific deadline for submitting articles is 15th of each month.